Saturday, February 7, 2009

Newly Listed.......

Aaaaaawwwwww the winter thaw has begun! I Hope! At least we finally got a break from the bitter cold winter this year. Almost 50 degrees today with rain on the way. I'm sitting here listening to The Beatles and thinking about, hopefully, hearing the birds churping soon.
Below are my listings for Ebay this Saturday night. I loved making Pam Gracia's frog pattern sew much, I just had to make another. This one is on his way to the pond, in his rented wagon, to go fishing and soak up some sun! LOL You just smile when you look at her! I also had an urge to make a witch this week. I used my same whispy wool for hair, but it was dyed black. She also has some great, long eyelashes.

I'm excited for Monday to come! I am going on a fabric run. Gosh, sounds like an addict! hahahaha Well, I really do think I am addicted to fabric. I will try to remember to take my camera and take some pics of this great Amish Quilt Shoppe that I go to. There is fabric everywhere there. Half the time you can't walk down the aisle because the fabric is stacked on the floor too! Can't wait to see what I will find! Until next time......
Have a Primsical Day!


Chicken Lips said...

Okay, that has GOT to be one of the best frogs I've EVER seen!

Tina said...

That froggie is to adorable. Thanks for commenting on my blog post. Went a little crazy for a few days. Thanks for the prayers. I will definitely get in touch with you and we'll get together. I'd love a visit.